We all know how important data is for any business in any industry. Data is like fuel that helps the company grow faster. Having proper data about the prospects helps the company make the right decisions in all departments. They can put in all their efforts in targeting their potential clients only and not just waste their money targeting less quality prospects.

There are many ways we can get our clients’ data. Here we will talk about how to get insightful data to improve any business product or service.

  • Ask your existing customers for feedback

Your existing customers know your product very well so asking them for feedback may give you valuable ideas to improve your product.

  • Conduct survey on social platforms

On social platforms especially on LinkedIn, people engage with survey posts so you can too. Run surveys on these platforms to learn more about your product and the industry you operate in.

  • Personal Walkthrough

Dedicate some hours to walk yourself through your product to find issues, and brainstorm to find good or bad things that would help you know your product better. Act as if you are the customer and using the product so you use it properly.

  • Ask your Team to test

Before launching a product, quality tests must be done to check every little issue & fix them, every product company has its quality testing team that does this job.

  • Check Analytics

There are a variety of analytics tools available that you can use to monitor how your users behave when they land on the website, their demography data & more. Some popular analytics tools are GA4, Heatmap tools, CRM analytics & others.

  • Social Brand Monitoring

Monitor what is being talked about about your brand across social channels. This can be done using social monitoring tools and you can buy one subscription for yours. You will know what users think about your product.

  • Don’t Ask friends & family

Don’t ask your close friends and family members as they don’t want to hurt you so they will always give you good feedback.

  • Team discussions

Ask different team members in the company to provide feedback after using it. Arrange a demo for them & ask them to use the product using a free account. Ask them to list out questions that may help in the product development.

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